So, a few interesting things happened today which I will now summarize in no particular order.
1. The woman who quit recently kind of un-quit and cried on at least three different occasions and I kind of wanted to give her a hug but it was a bit awkward. A lot of people are not happy at all that she's staying, and I admit I am not excessively thrilled either because she gets very temperamental when things aren't done her way and after only a few months I am tired of getting snapped at. But there is pretty much no one in that entire place that likes her, and they don't exactly make any effort to hide it, and it must be really tough on her.
Admittedly, I also think there's maybe two or three people out of the whole staff that she has never snapped at, and she has walked out and left me alone before without any notice because she was mad over some silly little thing. But on a whole I don't think she's a bad person. She cares about the environment, she cares about animals, and really when it comes down to it, most of the times she snaps at people is because she wants them to do things her way, which often (but certainly not always) turns out to be a slightly better way.
2. My boss and I were talking about some of the recent events at work and he had mentioned to another employee something that a friend of his says in self-help seminars he runs, and that was "What other people think of you, is none of your business." And I thought that was some pretty good advice, though he wasn't even giving the advice to me intentionally (I don't think). And another thing he said was "Whenever someone says something, the first thing you've gotta ask yourself is "do they love me?" If the answer is yes, then maybe you should pay a bit of attention to what they say but if not, who cares?"
3. Some unfortunate teenage boy wandered in to the store at some point, and I guess he is familiar with one of my coworkers because he yelled out that the coworker was a faggot. Which promptly resulted in another woman I work with yelling at him, WHICH WAS VERY NICE. She didn't lecture him or anything she just said YOU WON'T BE SAYING THAT KIND OF THING IN HERE THANKS.
4. I watched the first 6 episodes of Jing: King of Bandits today and noticed a bunch of things I haven't seen before. IT WAS QUITE GOOD. (now I've suddenly started using lots of caps)
5. I stayed an extra half hour at work today because they were really swamped and I would have felt bad if I had left when I was supposed to and just left them in a big mess. I tried to do as much as I could before I left but I reeeeally wanted to go home. Then I had a tasty chocolate milkshake.
6. I beat the first two gym leaders in Pokemon emerald.

(Click on the picture to see full size)
One thing I am learning very quickly;
It just learned Headbutt but before that it was just Bite, Rage, and Leer. And on top of that it just levels up soooo slowly. Salamence had better be worth it, or I'm e-mailing the bastard to Antarctica.
I think that's all for today. I am sleepy and my headache is not going away, and you will see me tomorrow.
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