I had an energy drink earlier tonight and even though I have been really really sleepy for some time now, I have not yet gone to bed. Though I will soon.
A couple keys on my keyboard have not been working very well lately on account of the keypad having crumbs in it. So I took a couple keys off to brush out underneath them and then replaced them with no problem. But when I went to remove the ./> key, it decided it didn't want to come off for some reason and long story short I'm pretty sure I broke it. I can still use the period obviously but it is kind of sticking up a little and it only works if I press it from certain angles. So I am going to have to look into getting that fixed.
I need to talk to my boss about getting a few days off in January, a friend of mine (who I know only online, we met once briefly at prom where there were always other people around and so we didn't talk directly to each other much) want me to come visit with him in Toronto. However he doesn't live in Toronto which means we have to stay at a hotel which makes me a liiiittle bit nervous, especially since I kind of have a history with this friend and him hitting on me a lot >.> But things have mellowed out a lot in the past month or two and so I think it'll be okay. I really wish I could bring someone with me though.
I typed January but I meant December.
I started a new file in FireRed, which I'm not sure if I mentioned. My team mostly consists of Pokemon I've never used before; Charizard, Gloom, Hypno, Snorlax, Kabuto, Marowak. Just for fun,
Charizard (Red) - Male
Scratch (to become Slash)
Wing Attack
Gloom (Blue) - Female
Absorb (to be replaced by Magical Leaf when it becomes Bellossom)
Stun Spore
Toxic (to become Sludge Bomb when I get the TM)
Hypno (Yellow) - Female
Dream Eater
Snorlax (Platinum) - Male
Body Slam
Sleep Talk
Kabuto (Gold) - Male
Scratch (to be replaced by Slash)
Rock Slide
Absorb (to be replaced by Mega Drain)
Marowak (Silver) - Female
Headbutt (will likely be replaced by Return)
Bone Club (to be replaced by Bone Rush or Earthquake)
Tail Whip (to be replaced by False Swipe)
That's all for my geeking.
The problem with drinking energy drinks is that it's a fair trade. Not long after you drink them they begin to omnom your insides and make all sorts of unpleasant noises while doing so.
Also, the problem with all nighters is that they tend to be devastating to any stores of snackfoods one may have saved up. But alas. That is the price we pay.
I shall be back tomorrow.
Edit: I had to go back and edit some previous entries. I had jumped from the 13th to the 16th and written the 17th twice. The problem is even though I've fixed the post titles, the wrong dates still show up in the url. Sometimes I fail hxc.
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