Good evening solar system. Just when I was getting used to it being autumn, it randomly got warm today.
My copy of Jing: King of Bandits (entire series) on DVD that a friend got me for my birthday FINALLY came today. He ordered it like three weeks ago, and he actually ordered another copy (which was about $11 cheaper than this one) before that, but I messed up one digit of my mailing address when I gave it to him, and when he tried to contact the seller they said "Okay, I'll look into it and see if it has been shipped yet" and then never contacted him again.
I am very excited because I really like the Jing series, I just don't know when I'm going to be able to watch it since all of the devices that play dvds are in my roommate's room.
I also randomly decided to buy some Pokemon cards today, and boy was that a chore. They have them in this plastic case at the convenience store and so you pretty much have to go "Okay, I'd like the second-last one on the right, in the third row from the bottom, and it's kinda purple with a Dialga on the front..." keeping in mind that the one they have standing up at the edge of the case isn't necessary what all the ones lying down behind it look like, and that the person reaching blindly into this case can't see the thee side of the package that you can see.
I think I mentioned yesterday or the day before that I have a Pokemon fan fiction in the works, and I am excited about it. And like almost every other piece of fan fiction in the world, I have taken the canon and given it a swift boot to the behind down a flight of stairs. But secretly I think that my take on it is better >.> What I find most interesting about the process of planning out the story though, is that I have started to really like certain Pokemon that I absolutely hated before. Some of them are even extremely important in the story. It's just seeing things with fresh eyes I guess, experiencing it in a new light.
I really want to buy the first two seasons of Fullmetal Alchemist on dvd but they are too expensive. And strangely, I was led to believe for a long time that they were actually one season. Apparently, season one is the first 25 episodes and season two is the next 26. I've already watched them all, but I really like the anime so I wanted to buy them. *sigh* I will figure something out someday.
I am going to wrap this up and go to bed because I am having lots of trouble keeping my eyes open.
You'll see me tomorrow.
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