Good evening solar system, I almost forgot to update today.
So, a list of unfortunate things that happened to me in chronological order
1) Yesterday I bought a "watermelon bowl" because I like watermelon a lot and when I bought a full watermelon I had to throw nearly half of it out because I didn't eat it fast enough. So I planned to have that this morning for breakfast (along with some muffins I bought, more on that soon) and I don't know WHAT was wrong with it exactly but it tasted absolutely horrible. I couldn't even force one piece down I had to spit it out. And considering I only ate like three pieces, the odds were not in my favour.
2) After the watermelon fiasco I decided to move onto the carrot muffins which tasted excessively spicy and also rather stale. So that wasn't too nice.
3) As I was getting ready for work I looked over to see a dark spot on my bed. SOMEHOW the watermelon bowl had fallen over AND the lid which I distinctly remember closing had come all the way off and there was watermelon pee all over my bed, and some of sloshed onto my laptop. Obviously my fragile electronic child survived the ordeal but it was rather unfortunate nonetheless.
4) I went to work
5) It didn't rain while I was at work but like three hours after I got there it POURED and also
6) The person I was working with got in an argument with someone else and just walked out. And our supervisor was out, so I was on my own. And I still hadn't gone on my break, so a couple of the people out front that have been trained on grill (to a rather limited degree) had to cover for me. And my supervisor didn't come back until about 45 minutes before I went home.
Other than that though, the day was okay. I got some bad news which does not involve me directly and which I can't share the details about as of yet.
Anyway, moving onward!
I was talking to a janitor-ish person at work today and he asked me if I was going back to school and I said no, not this year. But eventually. And he told me I really shouldn't wait too long because schools don't really like people who take a year off, to which my brain replied "Well, shit."
So I feel like I've pretty much screwed myself over on the post-secondary education front. I failed a bunch of classes in high school, the marks I did get weren't that impressive, it has been officially been almost a year and a half since I graduated... (well no, that's exaggerating by like 4 months) and I feel as though I should resign myself to a lifetime of building burgers and sweeping the same floors and stocking the same shelves for the rest of my life. Except for the part where I completely hate my job and will probably spontaneously combust if I am forced to withstand it over an largely extended period of time.
Also, I do not know the first thing about applying to college or anything like that because I had a habit of actively avoiding guidance councilors in school unless it was absolutely necessary that I interact with them. So if anyone has any inside info on that front, do tell.
I haven't got any comments in a few days, and I'm not sure if I'm just not being interesting anymore, or if my posts are too long and no one wants to read them, or if people are busy with the start of a new school season, or whatnot. So hopefully if I am driving people away I can find some way to maybe... not do that.
This is steadily approaching megapost territory and I think I've covered everything I was aiming for today.
Oh! Ps. I now have four complete Backstreet Boys cds on my computer and a bunch of Shania Twain albums as well and I must say... I have always liked Shania more. Don't know why, it's not like her lyrics are any better than BSB's or even that she is a better singer. Must be because BSB sings about girls and Shania sings about boys and although I tend to like girls more than boys, boys are the group I am more likely to want to sing about. OKAY I'M REALLY DONE THIS TIME
ReplyDeleteBecause I've been off school the same length of time as you xDD
I'm happy your laptop survived!! D: