Saturday, September 4, 2010

September 4th - More Rain

Hello, solar system. It's really cold.

Today was another kind-of-good-day-even-though-some-not-so-good-things-happened. Nothing really bad happened to me personally, but today at work one of my coworkers made a mistake on something and the supervisor just would not let it go. He kept lecturing and lecturing and outright called the guy an idiot, and he looked like he was either going to just throw everything down and walk out or cry, but he didn't do either one. Even though he was understandably really frustrated he still helped me with whatever I asked him to do, and when he went to get some water he asked if he could get me anything to drink. It's interesting how different people deal with their frustrations - some freak out on anyone who ventures into their field of vision, and others... well... aren't jerks.

As the title suggests it rained again today, and of particular note when I left work it was raining A LOT which was nice. I think my headphones probably didn't think it was so nice, but oh well. They kind of broke on me a little bit so I am unsympathetic.

I watched Dante's Inferno with a friend (over the internet) today - the animated film released with the PS3 and PSP games and I must say... it was very bad. I have the PS3 version of the game, and I do enjoy it (haven't played it in a couple months, admittedly but that's mostly due to the ps3 being in my roommate's room and me... not wanting to be in there for certain reasons. But I will likely play it today and/or tomorrow).

There were a couple things wrong with the movie, in my opinion. First of all - almost everything the character does in the WHOLE MOVIE there is a split second where you think to yourself "Why the hell did he just do that?" and the answer every. single. time. is "because the animators thought it looked badass." There is a scene early on when he is gallavanting through a forest on horseback at nighttime and he comes across a spotted leopard (which leaps down from like 200 feet) and then is inexplicably joined by a lion and a wolf. And the way he deals with one of the beasties is that his horse jumps up, kicks off a wall and flies upside down through thee air (landing on its feet, of course). And at this point I had to laugh and go find someone who would watch it/make fun of it with me.

There was another point where the love interest is being carted off by Satan and she says "YOU LIED TO ME! I TRUSTED YOU! YOU MUST RESCUE ME!" and this particular choice of words struck me as bad damsel in distress etiquette. Personally, if I were in that sort of situation my cries for help would probably be something a little more like "You're so handsome! And you have a great personality! I'd really appreciate that great personality and handsome face being brought into close proximity to the place where I will be held captive in the near future! Preferably with a large crowd of people who are armed and like you a whole bunch, but it's not mandatory!"

Speaking of handsome and great personality. Dante is a jerkass and I find it pretty much impossible to sympathize him even a little bit considering everything he does and that's just the stuff they tell us about. And while this doesn't directly relate to handsomeness, he changes his look pretty much every time he enters a new section of hell and what makes even less sense is that he also looks different in the flashbacks! It's like there were so many artists who wanted to work on the movie that they just cut up the movie and let each one draw a certain part. If you are thinking of watching the movie I highly suggest that you adhere to one of the following; 1) plan to write a comical review about it afterwards or 2) have a friend to watch it with you so you can point and laugh and facepalm and headdesk together. Or both. But really, if you are a fan of the games or have read the original work or pretty much anything besides those two things above... I would say it's not almost certainly not worth it.

And before anyone starts in with the famous youtube comeback "I doubt you could do better" let me just say - no, I couldn't. And that's why I don't make movies.

The one thing I was looking forward to at the end was a big black dangly Satan snake (if you catch my drift) and sadly, that was covered up. I guess movies are boobs-exclusive territory, though they did still have the seductresses which, for anyone curious, are a bunch of contorted nude women with phallic scorpion stingers erupting from their bare crotches. The game is full of disturbing stuff like that, and I haven't even played the whole thing.

By the way, I would like to state for the record that I do not find Satan sexy and that I am not a fan of any Satanic being from any religious background or anything like that. It just would have been a nice reprieve from the glowing white breasts present throughout the entire 88 minutes of the animation. I was not looking for Satan snakes for any degree of arousal.

Consequently for anyone who is curious about the Satan snake you can look on youtube for Dante's Inferno - final boss and it should be there. It is as entire un-spectacular as you would expect, so don't get your hopes up.

Anyway. Moooooooooooving on.

I kind of have developed a fixation on summon creatures the past couple days. Like... from Final Fantasy games, or other games really. I have actually begun writing something where the central focus is a summoner and the summon creatures she and her companions encounter in their travels. So if anyone is interested in that, there is an excerpt on my tumblr (link in the "about me" thing at the side) and I may also be posting a bit of other random nonsense there (which likely won't be interesting to anyone but me) later tonight.

Also, if anyone has played any games/watched any anime/otherwise observed any other source of media with summon creatures in them (and for the purposes of the following, things like Pokemon and Digimon do count) if you have the time and inclination to do so please answer for me a couple questions;
1) What source media do the summons come from? (what video game, what book, etc)
2) Do you have a favourite? Which is it?
3) If you have a favourite, what do you like about them?
4) If you don't have a favourite, what is it that prevents you from picking one?
5) What is one aspect of the summon creatures that fascinates you? (The diversity, their look, their absurd amounts of power, the legends surrounding them)
6) What is one aspect of the summons that you would like to see developed more? (The legends, their powers, their personalities, more diversity, etc)

That's all for today. Thank you all for reading and I will return with more randomness tomorrow.

Sorry, one last thing: WEEK TWO COMPLETE!

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