Monday, September 6, 2010

September 6th - I Am Loquacious

Hello, solar system. I don't have any comical one-liners prepared for you and so, onward we shall trudge.

For those curious, loquacious means "chatty" or "talkative" or "textual equivalent of Chinese water torture." To compensate for this I have a) reduced the amount of posts that appear on a page to 4, and am thinking about changing it to 3, b) have resolved to stick to talking about only one subject in each post (we shall see how long that lasts) and c) just generally trying to cut back on being long-winded and uninteresting.

I should however point out that the main purpose of this blog is to try to eat away at all the scary uncertainties in my life at the moment and so if there is something I feel like jotting down I am not going to exclude it for the sake of comfortable reading lengths for others. I know that may make me sound like a bit of a jerk, and I assure you that I do appreciate people taking the time to read this and I do want to make it enjoyable for them, but I have to stick to my purpose. And I think trying to narrow down my focus in each post will actually help with that.

Ending notice: I intentionally picked the longest, most scholarly-sounding word available for "long-winded" for today's title.

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