Friday, September 24, 2010

September 24 - Smiling In The Rain

Good evening solar system. I am so very very sleepy.

It rained today but I did not get to go out and play because I was at work all day. At least I only work until five tomorrow. Hopefully it will be a bit cooler. Yesterday I got raineded on and was soaked and cold (but happy!) and then today as soon as I walked out of the house this big mass of uncomfortable heat latched onto my face and I almost died.

I'm afraid to close my eyes because I'm afraid I won't open them again until around 8am and that would be bad because I have not brushed my teeth yet. And I just ate a chocolate bar.

I was skimming through my facebook and my other blog yesterday, looking at some old stuff I wrote. I have been thinking for a long time that I should make a compilation of stuff and get it published. The problem is that I would have to actually READ the stuff, and I find that to be very dangerous since I generally end up wanting to spear it with a flaming cow skull.

I am going to brush my teeth and go to bed and wake up in the morning and hate my life a little bit. All things considered I've got it pretty good right now but there's just so many other things to worry about. There is always so much to worry about. *sigh*

That is all.

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