Sunday, August 29, 2010

August 29th - Tiresome

Good evening, solar system. My legs and my feet and my everything hurts.

I am kind of going a little crazy right now because I really want to find another job, and I really want to go to college, and I really want to be doing something that isn't ridiculously frustrating and doesn't seem so pointless and wasteful.

So, my roommate and I were planning (kind of... it was a definite thing) on moving to a bigger town/city thing roughly a year from now. But I have been thinking a lot lately and I'm not sure that I want to move there. I certainly want to move away from here. But moving there was his idea and I basically was just going along because I had no other plans. I have decided that I need to start making decisions for myself. When I move. I want to move to someplace that *I* want to go. I don't want to just be tagging along.

I have also decided that I want to go to college. I have had people telling me that I need to go for forever, but until recently it was just sort of an idea. A possibility. It wasn't something I really wanted to do. But it is now. It's something I really want to do badly, actually. The problem is I don't know where to go or for what. So I won't exactly be packing up and taking off tomorrow. Then another problem is that I'll have to quit my current job.

It's true that I hate my job, but I really like some of the people I work with. And we are kind of short staffed at the moment so I am afraid of disappointing them. But I don't think I will survive more than a year at that place. It's just not going to happen.

But anyway, we talked about it and I told him how I was feeling, and it was all perfectly fine. He said it actually works out kind of well that way. Him and his girlfriend have been meaning to go traveling for a while and next year would be a good time to do it. So that's good. Now I just need to develop a more specific plan of what I want to do.

On the topic of moving and such, my roommate and I currently live with his mother and sister and we have been wanting to move out for months. But we have been searching and searching and literally have not found a single place in town. It's very frustrating, especially since my bedroom here isn't really mine so I have to kind of crowd all my stuff into laundry baskets and garbage bag which pretty much surround my bed. And there is also stuff piled ON my bed and it is just... not very ideal. And I think his mother is getting irritated with us being here, despite the fact that we really would not be if we were given a choice (one besides being homeless). So if some of the people taking up the apartment space in town could just scuttle off somewhere else, that would be nice.

I think that is more or less all I've got to share with you all today. There is one other thing but I haven't gotten permission to share that yet... so it will have to wait.


  1. I've had the feeling of uprooting and moving elsewhere myself lately. But I haven't done it because I'm 1) scared, 2) really like where I work and who I work with and 3) my friends are here. (Note: that was in no particular order)

    A suggestion! If you and your roomy are planning on moving to another city/town/village (regardless of whether it's together or not), I recommend staying in the least expensive place possible and saving as much money as you can to make the transition that much easier. That basically means staying right where you are (unless his mom is charging you outrageous rent, of course). Of course, make sure she's OK with it.

    And a questions. What sort of things do you like to do? You don't have to LOVE doing them and you don't need to know everything there is to know about doing them. Just, what sort of things do you like to do?

  2. It has taken me a couple days to respond to this which is kind of a fail on my part. But now I shall remedy that!

    I am scared of moving too, though I do not like my job and I only have one friend here (actually... pretty much any town that I have a friend in, I only have one friend there) so the other two aren't really big issues for me. I'm also kind of excited though, because I have never *really* lived on my own before. It was with my parents, then it was here.

    Honestly, I don't really think his mom would be okay with it. There's not a lot of room and it's really cramped and we're both uncomfortable. She doesn't charge us an outrageous amount for rent but that also probably makes her want to keep us around less since she has to pay more for hydro bills and stuff.

    There's no privacy because any time we leave our bedrooms she talks our ears off (and that probably makes me sound mean, but trust me... she talks for outrageously long periods of time and even after she tells you something like "Okay, well go eat your supper" and you leave she will start talking again as you're walking away). Also, "my" room happens to be a room where a lot of her stuff is stored so she comes in and starts talking even if I have my music on really loud and clearly can't hear her or I'm reading a book or something.

    I could deal with living in a really run-down place... as long as I didn't feel incredibly awkward every time I left my bedroom. Or if I didn't have to hear an eight year old screaming her lungs out three times a day because she's not getting her way. Or only having half of a shelf in the fridge reserved for both mine AND my roommate's food.

    Anyway, enough with my griping. On to the question. I like baking, I like mopping and doing dishes oddly enough (though I do not like to be hurried at such things), I like writing and reading and editing, I like making people laugh, I like petting cats and dogs, I like walking in the rain, I like playing video games... uhhm. I like singing and dancing aaaaand... I think that more or less covers it.

    Such a long reply. In a frivolous attempt to make myself not seem like a hypocrite I will say, you started it!
