Saturday, August 28, 2010

August 28th - Checkpoint

Good evening, solar system.

I am proud to say that this entry marks the end of the first week of my blog project! And I haven't missed a day yet! YAY!

A couple things happened today. 1) When I got to work, I found out it was my coworker's last day. Apparently he gave his two weeks notice and then he just didn't get put onto the schedule for next week at all.
Ever since I started there, he has been complaining about how much he hates working there - and now he's going on to something he likes more. It's making me think that maybe I should also go after something that... y'know, doesn't make me want to die. It gives me hope that it's possible, at least.
The second thing, and this really isn't important at all, but apparently this same guy thought I was around 23. I guess technically I *am* around 23, since it's only three years. But he seemed really surprised to figure out that I had only turned 20 a week ago. Likewise, a girl I was working with later told me she is turning 30 in about six months, and she honestly looks like she could be 18.

Thing number 3: I learned what the word embargo means. More or less.

Thing number 4: My finger hurts because I got a blister from burning it at work and today it caught on something and ripped the blister wide open. It is all red and ugly and ow.

Thing number 5: My insides were also hurting a little while ago and it led me to invent a new word - reproductories. Ie "my reproductories hurt"

Athing number 6: I have two facebook accounts and I am thinking of remaking my alternate one to coincide with my blog. I was also thinking of linking to my formspring and my twitter. I dunno, maybe that comes off as being really self-important, but I'm not doing it because I think I'm THAT interesting that people want to read what I have to say on EVERY website. I just want to open up some more ways for me to interact with the readers, and maybe get some ideas on what to talk about, or themes for days of the week or whatever. As I said in the beginning, I can't do this without you! Feedback on these ideas is very welcome! (And by very welcome, I mean I would really really appreciate it please)

Number Seven: I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has followed me for these first seven days. I really appreciate you taking the time to read what I have to say, and I am really glad that everyone seems to be enjoying it so far. If you have friends who you think might be likewise interested, I promise not to hold it against you if you send them this way ;) (Fyi, I can almost 100% guarantee you that you will never again see me use the winking smiley face.)

Thing The Eighth: My work schedule for next week really sucks but for the most part I will either be starting at 5pm or getting home at around 5:30pm so it shouldn't really mess with my updates too much. Some of them will probably just be a little short because nothing will have really happened yet that day.

Thing IX: There is a ladybug perched on the edge of my camera (thus preventing me from taking a picture) and it is just kind of standing there, rotating itself in these little circles. I think it might be because I have a ceiling fan and a tabletop fan going at the same time, so it was probably really confused as to how exactly it's supposed to fly in here. It was kind of adorable.

Tenthing: I will see you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! It's Michelle from the Ning and while I've only lurked for the past week you're doing a great job so far. Keep at it!

    As for linking your other social media outlets to ATIS, I'd say go for it. It's a great way to tell your Formspring/Twitter followers about your site and your blog readers about those other outlets.

    I took an online journalism class last semester where I kept a blog, and one of the things my professor told the class was to use all of these social media outlets to your advantage to spark interest, spread the word, get more page views, etc.

    So, however you decide to link everything up - I'm unfamiliar with the mechanics of Blogger - I'll be sure to check them out. Hope that helped you.
