Friday, August 27, 2010

August 27th - Defining

Good outrageously early morning, solar system.

If all of the world were to simultaneously forget the words unique, different, weird, it would not make us all the same. It is not words who define us, but us who define the words. We define ourselves.

We do not choose when life will be fair, or who to be fair to, but are given the chance to choose when we will be fair, who we will be fair to. There are many things which you can give, which you can also in time run out of. Fairness is not one of them. Even when we find ourselves in dire need of it ourselves - we still have plenty to give to others. We are gifted the opportunity to choose for ourselves the impact we will make on the world, so why not choose a way that makes the world suck a little less?

I'll see you all tomorrow.

End of the day update! Work was horrible and frustrating and I really need to start looking for something else before I go crazy and decide to shove knives in my skin! Yay!


  1. Hi, it is AlexTheNerdyOne off of nerdfighters. Just wanted to say I am really enjoying reading your blog so far and especially liked this post. I will now return to lurking :).

  2. Lovely post. I agree with you completely about how it is us who decide how our lives shall be. And about decreasing world suck. Looking forward to reading more of your musings!

