Sunday, July 24, 2011

July 24 - Opening The Dump

I have decided that I need a place to dump my ideas. Well, I already do that here, but I mean something else. Writing-related ideas. I do in fact have another blog besides this one, and as it turns out I've already dumped a bunch of stuff there in the past. So that's very good, I've got a ton of ideas and I have no idea what to do with them all, and so now I know.

The only problem with that is I will have to make my other blog private because I am paranoid and don't want people stealing my ideas >.> But that shouldn't really be a problem, no one goes there anyway. The last time I posted was August 15th 2010. I am happy that I am going to be continuing to use the blog instead of just leaving it to drift in the abyss that is the internet like I have done to dozens of forums and other things in the past.

Oh and also, no one has hired me yet and I have $10 in my bank account and I am kind of going crazy and my head is going to explode from all this stress and other bs.

But mainly I just wanted to talk about the writing thing.

Monday, July 18, 2011

July 18 - I'm Melting

It's so hooooot in here. And out there *points.* But mostly in here is what I'm concerned with.

I am making good progress on my current writing project. I like progress, progress is lovely. Chapter one of this project can be found here;

(What? I'm allowed to plug, it's my blog! D: )

Also my roommate is making soup which is very exciting. I like soup.

Let's see, what else. I still haven't found a job yet which is depressing. A friend of mine printed off some resumes for me but I can't even take the bus over to her place to pick them ip because I'm broke. But hopefully I'll have those soon.

I wish I could just insta-complete my book and ship it off to a publisher and have them say "Yes, I love it! No editing at all is required for this piece of literature, off to the printers we go!" and then I become rich. But I really don't think anything any of the things in that list are going to happen, so. Too bad for me.

I started a new game in Pokemon this morning. My team this time around;
Bulbasaur, Doduo, Staryu, Growlithe. Eevee, Geodude.
I'm excited, because Starmie is one of my favourite Pokemon and I've never actually got to use one on my team before. Because you don't find them till really late and I'm lazy. And also I love Doduo because their attacks are insanely powerful. Last time I had one on my team I took out Sabrina's entire gym using nothing else.

In my next playthrough I really want to try using a Seel or a Shellder. I <3 water Pokemon.

Oh and what else. My roommate has got me watching Stargate Atlantis. I think we're on season 3 now, and we've been watching it for... not even a week.

Also our dishwasher ate a piece of my roommate's blender which means I cannot make delicious milkshakes anymore. TRAGEDY OF SHAESPEAREAN PROPORTIONS I ASSURE YOU.

Oh, and my gay son (who is a stuffed elephant I bought at the circus) now has his own Facebook account.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 14 - Self-Made Karma

It's strange the things people put themselves through, and even stranger are some of the reasons they have for doing so.

For example;

I am aware that staying up all night tonight (for the second time in less than a week) and getting myself drunk (for the first time ever, for the record) will not erase the things I have done in my life that have upset people I care about. And yet, I am still going to do it because I feel like shit and I feel like it is a much better alternative to shoving forks in my eyes.

So now I am just waiting for my roommate to go to bed so I don't have to answer any complicated, awkward questions.

For the record, amount of alcohol in my body: 0. Amount of headache in my body: 500

This is going to be the best night of my life, something tells me.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

July 09 - Harbinger of Doom

So, I had a visitor today.

And by "I had a visitor" I of course mean "evil incarnate materialized within my house and tried to chew off my head and suck out my soul through my bone marrow" but that's kind of a given, right?

Here is a picture.

Of course, my reaction when I saw this thing flying at my face was to drop my book, run into the kitchen, hiding and swearing - which, as it happens, are the two most basic primal instincts in regards to how to deal with SHEER TERROR

So, after a few moments the soldier of Satan disappeared so I very cautiously came back into the living room and sat down, at which point I heard the accursed thing buzzing rather angrily behind me. I hoped that it would be stuck behind the curtain for a few minutes at least, and resumed nibbling on my delicious (yet by this point room temperature) sandwich. At which point it appeared from behind the curtain, about half a foot from my face, and tried to eat me again.

After hiding in the kitchen and swearing some more, I ripped up a piece of cardboard and through several minutes of frantic curtain-slapping and horrified banshee cries, I managed to trap the thing in between our glass sliding door and the screen door behind it, and even got the screen door open a bit so it could find its way outside, which it eventually did.

Hopefully when it gets back to its nest of terror-beasts it will remember my benevolence and not the fact that I, y'know, was shrieking and swearing at it for a good half hour and swatting at it with a strip of cardboard.

Oh also, I managed to twist my neck funny trying to watch my assailant, and I had this excruciating pain between my shoulder blade for a little while. But I think my bones have re-settled back to their original positions so that's nice.

Friday, July 8, 2011

July 8 - In Wonderland

So this is going to be my Halloween costume;,375,0xffffff

Except instead of the boots I will have these;

And so that is very exciting. Now I just need to get a job and save up like $200. Just note that I'm adding in roughly $50 to the actual prices for shipping.

I want to play Baten Kaitos but that game is just so much woooork. Making the enemies and the puzzles and whatnot in a game challenging is all fine and dandy, but the entire game is pretty much like a puzzle. Healing items in your inventory turn rotten and useless over time, which is particularly frustrating because in order to get the weapons you need to stand a chance against the enemies you have to do extensive grinding. Fights don't reward you with money, you have to take pictures of your enemy - and since the game uses a card-based fighting system, that means you have to actually wait for the camera card to appear in your hand first.

Then on top of that it's hard to tell how much money you'll get. If you use certain spells, the picture will be too light or too dark, or it could be blurry. And speaking of certain spells, if you use opposing elements they will cancel each other out and your attacks won't do any damage - which again, is something extremely annoying with a card-based fighting system, because there's no controlling what you'll get in your hand.


I don't think I'm going to play Baten Kaitos today.

Monday, July 4, 2011

July 04 - Hello... my name is Gwen...

Holy shit, it's been almost a month again. My bad.

So other than my internet being a piece of poop, there has been much excitement going on. I don't really remember if I mentioned this in the last post I wrote or if it had even happened yet, but I went on my first date with a boy a few weeks ago. I don't think either of us were really that successful at the dating thing. But I'm not going to concern my self with elaborating on that particular experience.

I had one of my best friends here for a visit for a week and a half, though she was really more visiting my roommate than me, because they had been talking on msn for nearly two years, but hadn't met yet. So that was nice. While she was here we played through God of War 3 and American McGee's Alice, and started playing Alice: Madness Returns but we didn't get it finished before she had to go home.

I went to a gay bar for the first time ever and didn't drink anything because I am broke (and not that much of a drinker to begin with) but I did make my friend dance to Man, I Feel Like A Woman by Shania Twain with me. Oh and I saw a guy's penis by accident. And by accident I mean that he purposely exposed himself in public but I didn't particularly want to see it.

I am still working on a trilogy I have been plotting out for a while now, though I really need to sit my ass down and write a few good chapters instead of just jotting down a hundred unconnected plot points all over my notebook.

I am reading the Circle of Magic series by Tamora Pierce, I am nearly done the third book in the set of four. I quite enjoy them, though there is a whole lot of sewing instruments mentioned in the books which is something I know nothing about, so it is rather difficult for me to envision some parts.

I went to Toronto and saw the pride parade which was fucking loooooong, and my arms got sunburned which is the first time I have been burnt (by the sun specifically) ever in my life. So that's exciting.

I am going job hunting tomorrow because I am broke and stressed and if I do not find a job in the next like... week or so, my life is more or less next to over. Probably (possibly). So employment would be nice.

What else is there? I don't know. Why am I asking you, you don't know either!

I was going to go on a biiiiig huuuuge rant type thing about how annoyed I am with people constantly telling me to do this, or do that, or act this way, or stop this, or try this, or I could be happy if I did this, or my life would be better if I did this, because that just fucking pisses me off immensely. It is my largest pet peeve. It makes me want to stab everything and everyone within a five mile radius. But I think I'll just leave it at that because I'm tired and lazy and want to go read and write.
