Sunday, July 24, 2011

July 24 - Opening The Dump

I have decided that I need a place to dump my ideas. Well, I already do that here, but I mean something else. Writing-related ideas. I do in fact have another blog besides this one, and as it turns out I've already dumped a bunch of stuff there in the past. So that's very good, I've got a ton of ideas and I have no idea what to do with them all, and so now I know.

The only problem with that is I will have to make my other blog private because I am paranoid and don't want people stealing my ideas >.> But that shouldn't really be a problem, no one goes there anyway. The last time I posted was August 15th 2010. I am happy that I am going to be continuing to use the blog instead of just leaving it to drift in the abyss that is the internet like I have done to dozens of forums and other things in the past.

Oh and also, no one has hired me yet and I have $10 in my bank account and I am kind of going crazy and my head is going to explode from all this stress and other bs.

But mainly I just wanted to talk about the writing thing.

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