On August 21, 2010 - my 20'th birthday, I found that I really didn't know where I was in life, or even where I wanted to go. I created this blog as what I originally intended to be an every day journal to set my thoughts in order.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
December 8 - Me My New Job
I have sleeping troubles lately. Kind of weird sleeping troubles. Like, I do not have any trouble getting near the point of falling asleep initially. But whenever I get juuust to the point where I would fall asleep, I suddenly just violently twitch awake. And I'm not kidding. My body just spasms itself out of near-sleep and then I lay awake, wide awake, for at least a full hour afterward. And this happens every single night.
There are nights where I have gone to bed at 10pm and been up till 5am. And before the twitching started, I would just fall asleep for maybe 30 minutes and then be completely unable to sleep for the rest of the night. Which actually didn't result in me being that tired during the day time... so that was nice.
Also it's not really a "new" album anymore, but I love love love Sarah McLachlan's new album "Laws of Illusion." It is incredible. Now if I could just find a person to be in love with, that would be great.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
October 27 - Bleargh
On another note, it is NaNoWriMo soon. I dunno if I am going to attempt anything this year. Last year was a bit of a failure for me. But we'll see, maybe it will help take my mind off things. Or just add another thing to stress about.
Toodloo for now!
Monday, October 10, 2011
October 10 (Part 1) - This is something that happened
Saturday, September 17, 2011
September 17 - Well then
A couple months ago I saw this little blurb circulating around Facebook statuses that went something to the effect of "Why is it that we are constantly asked to come to the aid of starving children in Africa when there are kids going hungry on our own streets. Post this if you agree" and I was kind of... put off by this when I read it, and so after thinking on it some more I have decided to offer my personal response. Beginning with a metaphor!
Imagine you are a paramedic, and the powers that be in the universe have led you into an alleyway. With you, you have all of the tools with which to perform a wide variety of medical procedures, but no immediate means with which to call for assistance. In the alley with you are two children, both injured. The first one is your own child, and their arm is broken. They are in pain, uncomfortable, but will most definitely survive without your immediate attention. The second child is unknown to you, but they are severely injured and it is clear that they are going to die without immediate attention. Do you say to this second child "Gee, I really wish I could help you out but unfortunately you're not my child." If you would in fact say this, then I'm afraid I am going to say that I think you're kind of a jerk.
The fact is that children in third world country are brought to our attention so much more often because their need is more immediate and much more severe. There are many more of them. They do not have the abundance of fast food, of grocery stores, of (as non preferred as it obviously is) dumpsters over flowing with food. They have adults going blind, falling gravely ill, dying of diseases we can and do cure here without batting an eyelash.
I have been told that there is a child who dies of starvation somewhere in the world every three seconds. If you were to weigh the values, you would very likely discover that the children "here at home" are much less at risk. But if you are that concerned about children in your own country, why not donate clothes locally. Why not donate to local food drives, local fundraisers. If you think something should be done for them, then do something for them. But you don't have to help either or. It is quite possible to donate to both causes.
And alternatively, if you do not donate any food or money in the first place, then you really have no right to be complaining where it goes, do you?
Monday, August 15, 2011
August 15 - Blargh
I am still unemployed and broke and stressed, which sucks. But hopefully things won't be like that for too much longer.
One of my best friends was here visiting recently and that was wonderful. I was sad to see him go and now that I am in the house on my own I have been incredibly bored. I've done a bit of job hunting and otherwise mostly just been sleeping on the couch and eating junk food. I guess that doesn't sound too healthy, buuuut. I haven't really been feeling too healthy the past little while.
Um. What else. Oh yes, my computer died. It refuses to charge, I have tried several plugs on it, some of them from friends' computers that I know for sure work fine. So it is the computer that's the problem, not the chord. So that really sucks because I had a loooooot of stuff on there. Hopefully I'll be able to get it back somehow.
I'm still going through this patch of super loneliness. I feel like I'm going to spend my whole life this way. I look at myself and think "Of course no one wants to talk to me or get to know me, why would they." It tears me apart to not be close to anyone, to not have anyone to sleep next to or hug or just sit next to with my head on their shoulder or anything. I am starved for affection.
Aaaaand that's enough being miserable. But I don't really have anything else to talk about so that's also it for this post. I will be back... eventually.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
July 24 - Opening The Dump
The only problem with that is I will have to make my other blog private because I am paranoid and don't want people stealing my ideas >.> But that shouldn't really be a problem, no one goes there anyway. The last time I posted was August 15th 2010. I am happy that I am going to be continuing to use the blog instead of just leaving it to drift in the abyss that is the internet like I have done to dozens of forums and other things in the past.
Oh and also, no one has hired me yet and I have $10 in my bank account and I am kind of going crazy and my head is going to explode from all this stress and other bs.
But mainly I just wanted to talk about the writing thing.
Monday, July 18, 2011
July 18 - I'm Melting
I am making good progress on my current writing project. I like progress, progress is lovely. Chapter one of this project can be found here; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1znQThHI2IxkwHoY8PCpTiiUqtIAnGBqTf7gODffKYLs/edit?hl=en_US
(What? I'm allowed to plug, it's my blog! D: )
Also my roommate is making soup which is very exciting. I like soup.
Let's see, what else. I still haven't found a job yet which is depressing. A friend of mine printed off some resumes for me but I can't even take the bus over to her place to pick them ip because I'm broke. But hopefully I'll have those soon.
I wish I could just insta-complete my book and ship it off to a publisher and have them say "Yes, I love it! No editing at all is required for this piece of literature, off to the printers we go!" and then I become rich. But I really don't think anything any of the things in that list are going to happen, so. Too bad for me.
I started a new game in Pokemon this morning. My team this time around;
Bulbasaur, Doduo, Staryu, Growlithe. Eevee, Geodude.
I'm excited, because Starmie is one of my favourite Pokemon and I've never actually got to use one on my team before. Because you don't find them till really late and I'm lazy. And also I love Doduo because their attacks are insanely powerful. Last time I had one on my team I took out Sabrina's entire gym using nothing else.
In my next playthrough I really want to try using a Seel or a Shellder. I <3 water Pokemon.
Oh and what else. My roommate has got me watching Stargate Atlantis. I think we're on season 3 now, and we've been watching it for... not even a week.
Also our dishwasher ate a piece of my roommate's blender which means I cannot make delicious milkshakes anymore. TRAGEDY OF SHAESPEAREAN PROPORTIONS I ASSURE YOU.
Oh, and my gay son (who is a stuffed elephant I bought at the circus) now has his own Facebook account.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
July 14 - Self-Made Karma
For example;
I am aware that staying up all night tonight (for the second time in less than a week) and getting myself drunk (for the first time ever, for the record) will not erase the things I have done in my life that have upset people I care about. And yet, I am still going to do it because I feel like shit and I feel like it is a much better alternative to shoving forks in my eyes.
So now I am just waiting for my roommate to go to bed so I don't have to answer any complicated, awkward questions.
For the record, amount of alcohol in my body: 0. Amount of headache in my body: 500
This is going to be the best night of my life, something tells me.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
July 09 - Harbinger of Doom
And by "I had a visitor" I of course mean "evil incarnate materialized within my house and tried to chew off my head and suck out my soul through my bone marrow" but that's kind of a given, right?
Here is a picture.
So, after a few moments the soldier of Satan disappeared so I very cautiously came back into the living room and sat down, at which point I heard the accursed thing buzzing rather angrily behind me. I hoped that it would be stuck behind the curtain for a few minutes at least, and resumed nibbling on my delicious (yet by this point room temperature) sandwich. At which point it appeared from behind the curtain, about half a foot from my face, and tried to eat me again.
After hiding in the kitchen and swearing some more, I ripped up a piece of cardboard and through several minutes of frantic curtain-slapping and horrified banshee cries, I managed to trap the thing in between our glass sliding door and the screen door behind it, and even got the screen door open a bit so it could find its way outside, which it eventually did.
Hopefully when it gets back to its nest of terror-beasts it will remember my benevolence and not the fact that I, y'know, was shrieking and swearing at it for a good half hour and swatting at it with a strip of cardboard.
Oh also, I managed to twist my neck funny trying to watch my assailant, and I had this excruciating pain between my shoulder blade for a little while. But I think my bones have re-settled back to their original positions so that's nice.
Friday, July 8, 2011
July 8 - In Wonderland
Except instead of the boots I will have these;
And so that is very exciting. Now I just need to get a job and save up like $200. Just note that I'm adding in roughly $50 to the actual prices for shipping.
I want to play Baten Kaitos but that game is just so much woooork. Making the enemies and the puzzles and whatnot in a game challenging is all fine and dandy, but the entire game is pretty much like a puzzle. Healing items in your inventory turn rotten and useless over time, which is particularly frustrating because in order to get the weapons you need to stand a chance against the enemies you have to do extensive grinding. Fights don't reward you with money, you have to take pictures of your enemy - and since the game uses a card-based fighting system, that means you have to actually wait for the camera card to appear in your hand first.
Then on top of that it's hard to tell how much money you'll get. If you use certain spells, the picture will be too light or too dark, or it could be blurry. And speaking of certain spells, if you use opposing elements they will cancel each other out and your attacks won't do any damage - which again, is something extremely annoying with a card-based fighting system, because there's no controlling what you'll get in your hand.
I don't think I'm going to play Baten Kaitos today.
Monday, July 4, 2011
July 04 - Hello... my name is Gwen...
So other than my internet being a piece of poop, there has been much excitement going on. I don't really remember if I mentioned this in the last post I wrote or if it had even happened yet, but I went on my first date with a boy a few weeks ago. I don't think either of us were really that successful at the dating thing. But I'm not going to concern my self with elaborating on that particular experience.
I had one of my best friends here for a visit for a week and a half, though she was really more visiting my roommate than me, because they had been talking on msn for nearly two years, but hadn't met yet. So that was nice. While she was here we played through God of War 3 and American McGee's Alice, and started playing Alice: Madness Returns but we didn't get it finished before she had to go home.
I went to a gay bar for the first time ever and didn't drink anything because I am broke (and not that much of a drinker to begin with) but I did make my friend dance to Man, I Feel Like A Woman by Shania Twain with me. Oh and I saw a guy's penis by accident. And by accident I mean that he purposely exposed himself in public but I didn't particularly want to see it.
I am still working on a trilogy I have been plotting out for a while now, though I really need to sit my ass down and write a few good chapters instead of just jotting down a hundred unconnected plot points all over my notebook.
I am reading the Circle of Magic series by Tamora Pierce, I am nearly done the third book in the set of four. I quite enjoy them, though there is a whole lot of sewing instruments mentioned in the books which is something I know nothing about, so it is rather difficult for me to envision some parts.
I went to Toronto and saw the pride parade which was fucking loooooong, and my arms got sunburned which is the first time I have been burnt (by the sun specifically) ever in my life. So that's exciting.
I am going job hunting tomorrow because I am broke and stressed and if I do not find a job in the next like... week or so, my life is more or less next to over. Probably (possibly). So employment would be nice.
What else is there? I don't know. Why am I asking you, you don't know either!
I was going to go on a biiiiig huuuuge rant type thing about how annoyed I am with people constantly telling me to do this, or do that, or act this way, or stop this, or try this, or I could be happy if I did this, or my life would be better if I did this, because that just fucking pisses me off immensely. It is my largest pet peeve. It makes me want to stab everything and everyone within a five mile radius. But I think I'll just leave it at that because I'm tired and lazy and want to go read and write.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
June 08 - Caught In A Life
Crazy going slowly am I, 6 5 4 3 2 1 switch
- The going crazy song
Soon enough you're going to think of me
And how I used to be
Me, talking to myself in public
Dodging glances on the train
And I know, I know they've all been talking about me
I can hear them whisper
And it makes me think there must be something wrong, with me
Out of all the hours thinking;
"Somehow, I've lost my mind"
- Unwell by Matchbox 20
In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch the purple sky fly over me
- Imagine by Evanescence
I see them move in the shadows
Just wanna blend in
Always changing their colours
Like chameleons
Isn't anybody comfortable
In their own skin?
- Unusual by Kate Voegele
We all begin with good intent
When love was raw and young
We believe that we could change ourselves
The past can be undone
But we carry on our backs the burden
Time always reveals
In the lonely light of morning
In the wound that would not heal
It's the bitter taste of losing everything
That I've held so dear
- Fallen by Sarah McLachlan
Today, today
You say it's useless
Just a couple figures
For the different uses
Here it comes, the sum
Of all excuses
Where did you think
I got these bruises
- Frayed by The Naked and Famous
Once in a while
I act like a child
To feel like a kid again
It gets like a prison
In the body I'm living in
Cuz everyone's watching
And quick to start talking
I'm losing my innocence
Wish I were a little girl
Without the weight of the world
It would be nice
To start over again
Before we were men
I'd give, I'd bend
Let's play pretend
- Pretend by Lights
If I gave you my life, would you
Let it slip, through hands
Like water in the desert
If I gave you my heart
In the deep of the night
Would you hold it, like a candle
Giving you light
- If I Gave You My Life by Justin Nozuka
So what can I say, what can I do
I'm running in circles, save me
It's holding me down, what about you?
What can I say?
I'm caught in the life
I'm running in circles, save me
It's holding me down, what about you?
I'm caught in the life
- Caught In A Life by Donkeyboy
Soo. I have a couple things on my mind.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
May 19 - William
My internet connection is still really poopy. I have been doing so much video games lately, I am really just sick of it. Oh and eating. I really need to stop that too. But I think I have been getting a good deal more exercise? Which by the way, is a word I can never spell correctly on the first go. I dunno why, my brain just does not retain the proper spelling. Also a fun fact, I cannot say the word 'rural' out loud.
A lovely lady by the name of Kate Voegele released her third album 'Gravity Happens' yesterday and every single song is fantastic. Though I have probably listened to the whole thing about 10 times today, so I am taking a bit of a break by listening to her second album "A Fine Mess" which also is fantastic. Every song.
Also a little less than a week ago, I created another blog for my alter ego William Gulliver, and a friend and I are working on the possibility of creating some of William's books for real (my friend helping by drawing pictures)
It is a writing blog, so please check it out if you are interested http://wgwritey.blogspot.com/
and let me know what you think. And if you want to participate, send him an e-mail at wm_gulliver@hotmail.ca
There are three main things you can e-mail him;
- A request for a topic to write on for "Wish It" Wednesdays
- An answer for the current question he is asking (found under "William's Want-To-Knows)
- Or just an e-mail telling him how brilliant he is 8D (not that he doesn't know already)
I dunno if there is really too much else to write here for today. On a more sensitive personal note, I have been super duper lonely as of late. Yaaaay!
See you :)
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
May 10 - F-i-t-e
It also sucks because one of the notebooks and a bunch of the pens in with them were given to me as a going away present by one of the women I worked with, so I feel very bad for losing them.
Having a new house is nice and all but it's also really boooooring. Our internet connection also kind of sucks at the moment but we are going to look into doing something about that soonish.
Not really sure what else to write. But I'm not dead, isn't that nice?
Friday, April 22, 2011
April 22 - I Go
I can't wait till Turtles release their single on the 28th D: I'm so exciiiiited but I still don't really know what to expect. The new male lead was revealed as a guy by the name of Lee Kang who supposedly has years of practice as a rapper or whatever. But I can't find anything of him on youtube, or on another site I use for checking out Korean artists. So I dunno. We'll see.
In six more days D: THAT IS TOO MANY DAYS
On the other hand, I discovered another Turtles song that I hadn't heard yet, called Aigo. From the sound of it, it is just a demo, but it is still really nice to hear it. Just like every other Turtles song, it is rather good. I'm not sure what it is about it, but it seems very retro pop. Maybe it's just the demo-y sound to it, I'm not sure. But I like it.
On a side note, I have been playing a lot of Mortal Kombat and I kind of rock (a little bit, I am not that awesome) with Kitana. Which works out well because from the very first time I played MKII I knew I wanted to be her when I grew up.
Erm. I think that's all? Tomorrow is my last day at work and I have a kind of shitty shift but that's alright. I am really going to miss all my coworkers. I am also taking a two hour bus ride at two different times on Monday because my roommate and I have an appointment to view a townhouse. I am so excited, I hope we're approved for it. It would really be awesome to have a place to live that isn't this place.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
April 19 - Good Things
So, a few days ago one of my favourite Korean groups 'Rainbow' released a few new songs and they are rather good. Then I discovered a group called 'Piggy Dolls' who are amazing, and also a group called 'BlockB' who have released a few songs, the lead single of which is very good.
THEN last night, a commission I arranged over Deviantart with the user psychohazard was completed, and I absolutely loooove the work she did on my character. If you want to see the painting, you can go here; http://angstless.deviantart.com/#/d3e95i4
Following this, tomorrow (or technically later today) the new Mortal Kombat game is coming out and I will be walking to Wal Mart to get a copy and I won't have the chance to play it till tomorrow but that's okay.
Also I have been e-mailing a lady and my roommate and I have set up an appointment to go and view a townhouse next Monday and if we get it, then we will have a place to live and that will be a few hundred kinds of exciting.
AND ALSO, JUST LIKE TEN MINUTES AGO my friend linked me to an article which informed me that my favourite group, Turtles, is making a comeback soon. A while back in 2008 the leader of the group died unecpectedly from a heart attack. The lead singer from that time has released a couple songs since then, but now the three of them are coming back with a new male lead. I am so excited for the new single and I desperately hope that it will live up to this group's great legacy.
Also I am going to attempt to write more often, starting on my Pokemon fan fiction I have had in the works for a while. We will see how far I get tomorrow before Wal Mart/work.
I think that's all for now! Hopefully will have some more lovely updates soon!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
April 13 - TM 21
If I were a Pokemon, this would be my most powerful move. It would be my only move.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
April 05th - Me My Misery
So anyway, last Friday was supposed to be my last day of work. I have been telling my boss that since the end of January, cuz my roommate and I have been trying to move out. But we haven't found a place yet, but we both have money saved up so I was planning to have a week or so of unemployment. Also I didn't want to keep going because if we found a place that was available immediately I wanted to be able to move right away and not have to give my boss super short notice.
So anyway, Thursday afternoon I went out to get some pizza for lunch. When I got back my computer was just a blank black screen. I tried restarting it a few times, I tried shutting it off completely and turning it back on, there was nothing. There was nothing for the entirety of the two hours until I went into work. Feeling slightly irritated at the fact that I would have be shelling out $400 for a new netbook all of a sudden, I got to work and mentioned to my manager that I might be looking for a few more shifts. He told me to call my boss, which I did, and he reworked the schedule a bit to work me in and said that actually helped out (cuz they are ridiculously short staffed right now)
Anyway, when I got home from that my computer was magically working again. I was kind of wondering if this was a sign that I just wasn't supposed to leave yet, and then the next day the cds that I had been expecting for almost a month were in the mail.
Also, on the Wednesday, day before this happened, I got a nasty burn on my thumb (which a week later, the hole the blister left hasn't even scabbed over) and I also got broken up with on that same night.
On top of that, for some reason the whole gender identity thing has been bearing down on me full force again lately. I told on of my best friends if she wanted to shoot me and just keep my soul in a jar on her desk I would be okay with that. However she didn't seem to think it would be a fantastic idea, so next time I get a hold of her (not literally, no violence implied) I am going to ask if she will do my makeup instead next time we visit. Which also means that I am going to have to shave pretty much my entire body, which will take like five days.
I love the New Zealand band The Naked And Famous, and those cds I mentioned before were their limited edition 3-cd album thing. It includes their main album, Passive Me Aggressive You, as well as two EPs; No Light and This Machine. Their songs just make me not want to explode and or dropkick my brain into a meat grinder. Which is nice.
Also, I am kind of tired of Pokemon White now. I started playing Dragon Warrior II which is a really old game and I am almost done. I have also started playing Chrono Trigger DS but I am nowhere near close to being done that one. And just now I've started playing Pokemon LeafGreen. I had an old save file which was about nine minutes in and just happened to have a Bulbasaur (which is who I was going for this time anyway). No nicknames this time, though my team is going to be; Bulbasaur, Krabby, Clefairy, Nidoran(F), Spearow and Magnemite. Woot-woot.
Oh, I got a little bit sidetracked but last night my roommate found two places, both of which are available immediately. So once he wakes up and we figure out an appropriate time to inquire about for a viewing of the one place, I shall call. And then give the people my roommate's number because he is unemployed and thus slightly more available to be taking calls. BUT the problem is, if we get the place, only my roommate will be able to move in immediately - because when I went in to work yesterday my boss told me that he already put me down on the schedule for next week. This is exactly the kind of situation I was hoping to avoid by quitting last week, and the exact reason why I only asked for ONE extra week of shifts. And even that was just so I had money to fix/replace my computer.
Oh, and Sunday night. I was feeling absolutely terrible, so I decided to don my mp3 player, turn the music up loud, and dance around my room till I felt better. Now, this room is not technically mine. It is my roommate's mother's room, but she doesn't sleep in here because she has issues with enclosed spaces. But all her dressers and clothes are in here, and the floor has like five small little rug things on it that are kind of annoying to dance on because there isn't much room to begin with and they're always shifting around and bunching up and whatever.
So I was dancing around, starting to feel a little bit better. And then I feel a little pinch on my foot. I lift it up, and lo and behold - a sliver of broken glass. I pluck it out and blood starts pouring down my foot, out of this tiiiiny barely visible hole.
Fun fact: That is the second time that I have got glass in my foot while attempting to gain a couple moments of not being completely overwhelmed by shittiness. Apparently I am just not allowed to be relieved of stress, ever. I have no idea where this glass is coming from, I haven't broken anything at all since I moved in here. I haven't seen my roommate's mom break anything, and she certainly hasn't mentioned anything to me. Plus you would thing if she broke something she should vacuum out the carpet or something.
Anyway. I just figured I would update, and also I just had a big pile of junk I wanted to get off my chest.
See you again soooooon
Sunday, March 27, 2011
March 27 - Fifth Generation Review
I am trying this again. Stupid internet and stupid blog failing to auto-save.
#000 Victini
Fire/Psychic legendary. This is a type combination I've wanted to see for a while. Since it is a Mew expy, it isn't quite as badass as what I had been hoping for, thought cute is okay too. The only problem with that though, is that I don't find it to be exceptionally cute. I heard that it is supposedly based on apples cut into pieces to resemble rabbit ears, which is a Japanese... thing. Overall opinion: Meh.
#001-003 Snivy, Servine, Serperior
Grass starter. To be honest here, I don't really like Snivy that much and Servine's limbs look a bit silly. Serperior is of course incredibly awesome, and it can learn Giga Drain, which coming from a giant snake is kind of frighteningly awesome. I was pretty much ready to write off the entire family with another headshake & sigh, but Serperior saved them all. Overall opinion: Yay.
#004-006 Tepig, Pignite, Emboar
Fire, Fire/Fighting starter. Aside from having some of the most amazing names in Pokemon history, Tepig is adorable and Pignite is even kind of... charming in its own way. The odd one out of the three starters, since I actually like the final evolution least - but that's because I am prejudiced against beards (even if they are made of fire). It also helps that the beard goes along the shoulders. Also, the Fire/Fighting starter thing got old by the last generation, but I cannot express my gratitude to Nintendo for not having fire come out of Tepig's ass. Overall Opinion: Yay!
#007-009 Oshawott, Dewott, Samurott
Water starter. I know for a lot of people, there is a major "awwww" factor that goes into the appeal of Oshawott, but despite the fact that it is permanently forlorn and in need of hugs, its appearance simply doesn't win me over. Dewott is kinda dorky. The fact that they use sea shells as short swords is kinda badass, but that is nothing compared to Samurott. That thing is just plain awesome. Overall opinion: Yay.
#010-011 Patrat, Watchog
Normal type. If there is one thing I never wanted to see from Pokemon, it was another Bidoof. Patrat isn't quite ass bad, but neither is anything else that has ever existed. Its eyes remind me of the guy at the end of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. I think they need to stop taking drugs, and also stop harassing newbie trainers every ten steps. Overall opinion: Ehh...
#012-014 Lilipip, Herdier, Soutland
Normal type. If memory serves me correctly, we have never really had a normal type dog family. (Edit: This was a lie, I just thought of Smeargle and Snubull) Overall, the dog Pokemon have been mostly dark and fire types. Not that being a normal type Pokemon is really anything to be proud of, it's just interesting. Lillipup(who I keep wanting to call by its Japanese name for some reason)'s face looks like it was chewing on a firecracker, and it is not incredibly cute to me. Something about the shape of Herdier's body is also kind of unappealing to me, but Stoutland looks super fuzzy and squishable and I want one. Overall opinion: Meh.
#015-016 Purrloin, Liepard
Dark type. Just as the dogs have been mostly fire and dark types, the (non-legendary) cats have mostly been normal types. I guess they wanted to switch it up this time around, or something. I like Purrloin's design quite a bit, it looks sleek and cunning and fluffy. Fluffy is probably the most important part. Liepard I like a bit less, because it kind of looks naked and malnourished. It might just be the sprite that makes it look this way, hold on I'll look up the official art.
Well, yes. That is a bit better. And the little pink eye shadow... things... are sexy. Overall opinion: Yay.
#017-018 Pansage, Simisage
Grass pseudo-starter. Despite the fact that I have a deep-rooted prejudiced against monkeys, I find Pansage kinda cute. It is certainly a grand improvement over Aipom. Pansage is a "speak no evil" monkey, which is kind of neat. Apparently its movepool kind of sucks, but that's alright because there are plenty of other grass types out there in Unova, and none of them evolve into a silly looking rockstar monkey. Which is what Pansage does. It makes me think of Etemon, and that is never a good thing. Overall opinion: Meh.
#019-020 Pansear, Simisear
Fire pseudo-starter. Pansear is the "hear no evil" monkey of the group. I really like this concept for them but unfortunately, I think their evolutions kind of messed it up. I would likely find them a great deal more lame if they had no evolutions whatsoever, mind you, it's just that apart from Simipour none of the evolved forms really follow the motif. I think Simisear is my favourite of the evolved forms, cuz it looks kind of flamboyant. Also note, Pansear > Chimchar. Overall opinion: Yay.
#021-022 Panpour, Simipour
Water pseudo-starter. Obviously as the only one left, Panpour is the "don't read youtube comments" monkey. Or "see no evil." More or less the same thing. Water is my favourite Pokemon type, but Panpour is my least favourite of the three monkeys. It's not really Panpour's fault, I mean there are only so many ways you can draw "see no evil" right? But I have no sympathy for Simipour, that nonsense could have definitely been avoided. And should have been. Overall opinion: Meh.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
March 24 - Sonar Frequency
So I had one or two things I wanted to talk about but instead I'm just going to link to a couple youtube videos of a fantastic woman.
And that's really about all there is to say about that.
Monday, March 21, 2011
March 21- Not As Promised
Alright so this is not going to be an explanation of my last post because I found something better to talk about.
So just now I was on Facebook and scrolling down my home and there was a post saying that bad words are only bad because we give them power, and are we going to be overpowered by words. And I realize that many people may find this inspirational and uplifting, but I'm going to wager a guess that the next time someone slings a homosexual or racial or whateveral slur at them, they are still going to be irritated, and I think I've come up with a pretty good explanation of why.
It's because the above quotation, while very well meaning, is wrong. The words aren't even a factor in the long run. If you are walking down the street with your same sex partner, being entirely considerate to those around you and not focusing on eating each others so much that you barrel over some form of guard railing, and yet some lady looks at you like you're the devil and whispers something to someone next to her, you certainly are not going to feel like someone just told you they used your cat to clean up an oil spill because of her words. You have no idea what she said.
Calling me fat doesn't hurt because I was previously completely unaware that my belly (not my stomach, that is an organ and it should never ever be within your line of sight) was moderately spherical. Calling me queer or less harsh words I am not going to type out does not hurt because I was previously unaware that I was attracted to my boyfriend. Words like that hurt because when people say them, they are bunching up dislike and aggression and tossing in a hunk of something that you are probably already extremely self conscious about and they are lobbing it at you at full force. It hurts because of the negativity that comes with it, it hurts because the person is communicating to you in an aggressive manner that they don't like something about you, that there is something wrong with you. Maybe the person calling you fat doesn't even think of fat people as a whole in a negative light. The words they choose are all just combinations of letters that we as a society have come to accept as effective carriers of dislike, and disgust, and hatred, and anger, that a person can spit out the instant they see someone they have a problem with.
No matter what you say to inspire yourself and toughen yourself up, bad words will always hurt us because being hated will always hurt us. It isn't the meaning of the word, or the usage of the word, or how we interpret the word that needs to be changed - it is the deeper feelings, the motivations for even wanting to use the word in the first place.
At least, this is how I think about it.
Friday, March 18, 2011
March 18 - Grr, Arrrgh
A little snippet from an msn convo today;
William Gulliver has 16 days says (11:26 PM):
Argh, ID3 tags
William Gulliver has 16 days says (11:27 PM):
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh phone dead
Explanations of this and more, soon to come.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
March 15 - I Accidentally The Whole Project
Let's not spend a whole lot of time going over how majorly I failed at this, mmkay?
Last week I took a bus to a nearby city to spend some time with my boyfriend which was quite good, though he got a little sick at the end which was unfortunate. He has been having a rough time lately because his bosses are jerks and his work in general sucks and his family is kind of a variety pack of inconsideration. And he had pneumonia a while ago so his lungs hate him.
We watched a movie I bought called Yoyo Girl Cop, and yes it was as bad as it sounds.
We bought the new Pokemon games (him black, me white) and I started over three times to get all the starters, whereas he did not wish to do so. I decided to name all my team members after constellations this time around, and me not paying attention led to me having a boy Oshawott named Vela and a female Tepig named Orion. Whoops. My Snivy/Servine is named Hydra, my Swoobat (I think it's called) is Cygnus, I have a Tynamo named Andromeda, and a Krokorok named Lecerta. Dunno what I am going to name Zekrom yet, possibly Hercules.
I have thirteen days of work yet which is exciting, because in between looking for a place to live and sending out e-mails/making calls, I have lots of time for writing and video games which are two things I am rather fond of.
Music is good, I have fallen back in love with the Korean group Supernova who are actually more popular in Japan and have three albums there and a whole whack load of singles, whereas in Korea they have one album and I think two singles. Also I bought Sarah McLachlan's new album and it kind of makes me want to cry (in a good way)
I have not been playing Monster Galaxy a whole lot lately but I will probably get back into it once I am not working anymore.
One of the friends that is moving in with me and I have decided that once we are settled into our new place we are going to buy a computer tower and a big screen monitor and start up a joined Let's Play (video games) youtube channel. I came up with a name but he hasn't been online in the past 4 days for me to share it with him.
I recently played and completed the Japanese SNES game Live a Live, which I found through one of my favourite LPers of all time Boltage MacGamar, and it was such an incredibly amaaaaaazing game and anyone at all who is a fan of oldschool rpgs should play it. (there is a fully translated English patch available on the interwebs)
Erm. I am really no closer at all to figuring out what I want to do in terms of schooling, and I think it's a very real possibility that I am just a lazy bum who will never amount to anything and I should just go ahead and resign myself to a crappy minimum wage position at a fast food restaurant that makes me hate my life forever.
The thing that makes it so difficult is that I have soooooo maaaaany ideas. I am constantly creating stories and scenarios in my head. Anime shows, movies, video games, novel series, music videos, song lyrics, even titles for cds for crying out loud. I am ALWAYS coming up with new things, always stringing together words and characters and ideas, my mind is constantly working and creating and what I want more than anything in my life is to be able to create something from all of that... but I can't figure out how. I could literally sit with someone for hours and tell them about all my ideas, and I would be so excited while doing it and I would have so many random little details and scenarios to share with them. But that doesn't really do me a whole lot of good.
One thing I am really eager for right now, is I want to find someone who can draw a set of 10 characters from my one story for me. I can probably find someone on deviantart to do it, but a commission of ten characters would probably end up getting pretty pricey. I shall see, though...
Anyway, I think that's it for now. I will try to update again this week and hopefully a bit more regularly afterwards.
Annnnd... I forget what I usually say at the end of these. Bother.