Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 27 - Fifth Generation Review

I am trying this again. Stupid internet and stupid blog failing to auto-save.

#000 Victini

Fire/Psychic legendary. This is a type combination I've wanted to see for a while. Since it is a Mew expy, it isn't quite as badass as what I had been hoping for, thought cute is okay too. The only problem with that though, is that I don't find it to be exceptionally cute. I heard that it is supposedly based on apples cut into pieces to resemble rabbit ears, which is a Japanese... thing. Overall opinion: Meh.

#001-003 Snivy, Servine, Serperior

Grass starter. To be honest here, I don't really like Snivy that much and Servine's limbs look a bit silly. Serperior is of course incredibly awesome, and it can learn Giga Drain, which coming from a giant snake is kind of frighteningly awesome. I was pretty much ready to write off the entire family with another headshake & sigh, but Serperior saved them all. Overall opinion: Yay.

#004-006 Tepig, Pignite, Emboar

Fire, Fire/Fighting starter. Aside from having some of the most amazing names in Pokemon history, Tepig is adorable and Pignite is even kind of... charming in its own way. The odd one out of the three starters, since I actually like the final evolution least - but that's because I am prejudiced against beards (even if they are made of fire). It also helps that the beard goes along the shoulders. Also, the Fire/Fighting starter thing got old by the last generation, but I cannot express my gratitude to Nintendo for not having fire come out of Tepig's ass. Overall Opinion: Yay!

#007-009 Oshawott, Dewott, Samurott

Water starter. I know for a lot of people, there is a major "awwww" factor that goes into the appeal of Oshawott, but despite the fact that it is permanently forlorn and in need of hugs, its appearance simply doesn't win me over. Dewott is kinda dorky. The fact that they use sea shells as short swords is kinda badass, but that is nothing compared to Samurott. That thing is just plain awesome. Overall opinion: Yay.

#010-011 Patrat, Watchog

Normal type. If there is one thing I never wanted to see from Pokemon, it was another Bidoof. Patrat isn't quite ass bad, but neither is anything else that has ever existed. Its eyes remind me of the guy at the end of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. I think they need to stop taking drugs, and also stop harassing newbie trainers every ten steps. Overall opinion: Ehh...

#012-014 Lilipip, Herdier, Soutland

Normal type. If memory serves me correctly, we have never really had a normal type dog family. (Edit: This was a lie, I just thought of Smeargle and Snubull) Overall, the dog Pokemon have been mostly dark and fire types. Not that being a normal type Pokemon is really anything to be proud of, it's just interesting. Lillipup(who I keep wanting to call by its Japanese name for some reason)'s face looks like it was chewing on a firecracker, and it is not incredibly cute to me. Something about the shape of Herdier's body is also kind of unappealing to me, but Stoutland looks super fuzzy and squishable and I want one. Overall opinion: Meh.

#015-016 Purrloin, Liepard

Dark type. Just as the dogs have been mostly fire and dark types, the (non-legendary) cats have mostly been normal types. I guess they wanted to switch it up this time around, or something. I like Purrloin's design quite a bit, it looks sleek and cunning and fluffy. Fluffy is probably the most important part. Liepard I like a bit less, because it kind of looks naked and malnourished. It might just be the sprite that makes it look this way, hold on I'll look up the official art.
Well, yes. That is a bit better. And the little pink eye shadow... things... are sexy. Overall opinion: Yay.

#017-018 Pansage, Simisage

Grass pseudo-starter. Despite the fact that I have a deep-rooted prejudiced against monkeys, I find Pansage kinda cute. It is certainly a grand improvement over Aipom. Pansage is a "speak no evil" monkey, which is kind of neat. Apparently its movepool kind of sucks, but that's alright because there are plenty of other grass types out there in Unova, and none of them evolve into a silly looking rockstar monkey. Which is what Pansage does. It makes me think of Etemon, and that is never a good thing. Overall opinion: Meh.

#019-020 Pansear, Simisear

Fire pseudo-starter. Pansear is the "hear no evil" monkey of the group. I really like this concept for them but unfortunately, I think their evolutions kind of messed it up. I would likely find them a great deal more lame if they had no evolutions whatsoever, mind you, it's just that apart from Simipour none of the evolved forms really follow the motif. I think Simisear is my favourite of the evolved forms, cuz it looks kind of flamboyant. Also note, Pansear > Chimchar. Overall opinion: Yay.

#021-022 Panpour, Simipour

Water pseudo-starter. Obviously as the only one left, Panpour is the "don't read youtube comments" monkey. Or "see no evil." More or less the same thing. Water is my favourite Pokemon type, but Panpour is my least favourite of the three monkeys. It's not really Panpour's fault, I mean there are only so many ways you can draw "see no evil" right? But I have no sympathy for Simipour, that nonsense could have definitely been avoided. And should have been. Overall opinion: Meh.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 24 - Sonar Frequency

So I had one or two things I wanted to talk about but instead I'm just going to link to a couple youtube videos of a fantastic woman.

And that's really about all there is to say about that. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21- Not As Promised

Alright so this is not going to be an explanation of my last post because I found something better to talk about.

So just now I was on Facebook and scrolling down my home and there was a post saying that bad words are only bad because we give them power, and are we going to be overpowered by words. And I realize that many people may find this inspirational and uplifting, but I'm going to wager a guess that the next time someone slings a homosexual or racial or whateveral slur at them, they are still going to be irritated, and I think I've come up with a pretty good explanation of why.

It's because the above quotation, while very well meaning, is wrong. The words aren't even a factor in the long run. If you are walking down the street with your same sex partner, being entirely considerate to those around you and not focusing on eating each others so much that you barrel over some form of guard railing, and yet some lady looks at you like you're the devil and whispers something to someone next to her, you certainly are not going to feel like someone just told you they used your cat to clean up an oil spill because of her words. You have no idea what she said.

Calling me fat doesn't hurt because I was previously completely unaware that my belly (not my stomach, that is an organ and it should never ever be within your line of sight) was moderately spherical. Calling me queer or less harsh words I am not going to type out does not hurt because I was previously unaware that I was attracted to my boyfriend. Words like that hurt because  when people say them, they are bunching up dislike and aggression and tossing in a hunk of something that you are probably already extremely self conscious about and they are lobbing it at you at full force. It hurts because of the negativity that comes with it, it hurts because the person is communicating to you in an aggressive manner that they don't like something about you, that there is something wrong with you. Maybe the person calling you fat doesn't even think of fat people as a whole in a negative light. The words they choose are all just combinations of letters that we as a society have come to accept as effective carriers of dislike, and disgust, and hatred, and anger, that a person can spit out the instant they see someone they have a problem with.

No matter what you say to inspire yourself and toughen yourself up, bad words will always hurt us because being hated will always hurt us. It isn't the meaning of the word, or the usage of the word, or how we interpret the word that needs to be changed - it is the deeper feelings, the motivations for even wanting to use the word in the first place. 

At least, this is how I think about it. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

March 18 - Grr, Arrrgh

A little snippet from an msn convo today;

William Gulliver has 16 days says (11:26 PM):
Argh, ID3 tags
William Gulliver has 16 days says (11:27 PM):
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh phone dead

Explanations of this and more, soon to come. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 15 - I Accidentally The Whole Project

Let's not spend a whole lot of time going over how majorly I failed at this, mmkay?

Last week I took a bus to a nearby city to spend some time with my boyfriend which was quite good, though he got a little sick at the end which was unfortunate. He has been having a rough time lately because his bosses are jerks and his work in general sucks and his family is kind of a variety pack of inconsideration. And he had pneumonia a while ago so his lungs hate him.

We watched a movie I bought called Yoyo Girl Cop, and yes it was as bad as it sounds.

We bought the new Pokemon games (him black, me white) and I started over three times to get all the starters, whereas he did not wish to do so. I decided to name all my team members after constellations this time around, and me not paying attention led to me having a boy Oshawott named Vela and a female Tepig named Orion. Whoops. My Snivy/Servine is named Hydra, my Swoobat (I think it's called) is Cygnus, I have a Tynamo named Andromeda, and a Krokorok named Lecerta. Dunno what I am going to name Zekrom yet, possibly Hercules. 

I have thirteen days of work yet which is exciting, because in between looking for a place to live and sending out e-mails/making calls, I have lots of time for writing and video games which are two things I am rather fond of.

Music is good, I have fallen back in love with the Korean group Supernova who are actually more popular in Japan and have three albums there and a whole whack load of singles, whereas in Korea they have one album and I think two singles. Also I bought Sarah McLachlan's new album and it kind of makes me want to cry (in a good way)

I have not been playing Monster Galaxy a whole lot lately but I will probably get back into it once I am not working anymore.

One of the friends that is moving in with me and I have decided that once we are settled into our new place we are going to buy a computer tower and a big screen monitor and start up a joined Let's Play (video games) youtube channel. I came up with a name but he hasn't been online in the past 4 days for me to share it with him.

I recently played and completed the Japanese SNES game Live a Live, which I found through one of my favourite LPers of all time Boltage MacGamar, and it was such an incredibly amaaaaaazing game and anyone at all who is a fan of oldschool rpgs should play it. (there is a fully translated English patch available on the interwebs)

Erm. I am really no closer at all to figuring out what I want to do in terms of schooling, and I think it's a very real possibility that I am just a lazy bum who will never amount to anything and I should just go ahead and resign myself to a crappy minimum wage position at a fast food restaurant that makes me hate my life forever. 

The thing that makes it so difficult is that I have soooooo maaaaany ideas. I am constantly creating stories and scenarios in my head. Anime shows, movies, video games, novel series, music videos, song lyrics, even titles for cds for crying out loud. I am ALWAYS coming up with new things, always stringing together words and characters and ideas, my mind is constantly working and creating and what I want more than anything in my life is to be able to create something from all of that... but I can't figure out how. I could literally sit with someone for hours and tell them about all my ideas, and I would be so excited while doing it and I would have so many random little details and scenarios to share with them. But that doesn't really do me a whole lot of good.

One thing I am really eager for right now, is I want to find someone who can draw a set of 10 characters from my one story for me. I can probably find someone on deviantart to do it, but a commission of ten characters would probably end up getting pretty pricey. I shall see, though... 

Anyway, I think that's it for now. I will try to update again this week and hopefully a bit more regularly afterwards.

Annnnd... I forget what I usually say at the end of these. Bother.